Confronting Foolishness

Key Verse

“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but the wise listen to advice.”
– Proverbs 12:15 (NIV)

Basic Biblical Understanding

Prior to reading this article, first read the article entitled “Confrontation” which shares foundational principles from Scripture for framing out all confrontational conversations. Now, let’s address confronting foolishness.

Foolish choices need to be addressed with truth and wisdom. We’re blessed that Scripture provides both truth and wisdom. Truth helps us know what’s right; wisdom helps us live what’s right. The word “wisdom” carries the basic meaning of skill. A wise person is someone who skillfully navigates life in a way that honors God. When you see a believer making foolish choices, it’s important to share biblical wisdom and counsel with that person.

Scripture tells us the importance of listening to advice. Proverbs 12:15 (NIV) says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but the wise listen to advice.” Proverbs 16:25 says, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Someone can be completely convinced they’re right while moving towards destruction. Wisdom says, “Listen to advice.”

Scripture tells us what gets in the way of receiving advice. “Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise” (Proverbs 13:10). The problem is pride. The person might not want to hear, but they need to hear. Those who take advice are wise.

Scripture tells us how sharing biblical advice blesses the receiver. James 5:19–20 says, “My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” When someone strays from the path of wisdom, we are to help turn them back to truth.

Everyone doesn’t see everything clearly. Closeness to a situation, emotions in a situation, and frustration in a situation can lead to confusion in that situation. We’ve all had different experiences. Some people have already gone through what you’re going through, and they want to share with you what God taught them in that situation. Will you let them? Will you share with others what God taught you?

Verses (ask God to to show you how they apply to your life)

“Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.”
– Proverbs 13:20 (NLT)

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
– Proverbs 15:1 (NIV)

Helpful Questions and Application

  1. We become like those we’re around. If you are around wise people, you pick up wisdom. If you are around fools, you pick up foolishness. When confronting those who are walking in foolishness, ask them to share with whom they’re spending time, whose advice they’re following, and whether that advice aligns with Scripture. If a person is unwilling to walk with wise people, they will only be encouraged in their foolishness.

  2. Not all advice from a Christian is biblical wisdom. If the insight given is not biblical wisdom, it will only confuse the matter. Christians can sometimes give poor advice as quickly as non-Christians. Be sure that the advice you share is biblically grounded and contextually accurate.

Additional Resources

Scripture references: Ephesians 4:25; Proverbs 29:11; Proverbs 1:7; James 3:17

WordTruth Article:
”Your Way or God’s Way . . . Your Choice”
“Wisdom that Honors Christ”


Confronting Disunity


Confronting Sin