CLR Articles

Can God Ever Forgive Me?
Sometimes seeking forgiveness seems risky or even hopeless. Too often, people say they forgive you but continue to hold grudges. When that happens, resentment creeps in, and they may start questioning your motives and character. Their affection for you shrivels up, and they keep you at a distance. They find subtle ways to make you pay for what you’ve done. Then when you think you’ve moved forward, they take your mistakes and throw them in your face.

Will I Ever Feel Normal?
In his namesake book, Job lies in the dust and longs for death. He feels cut off from normal life and can’t see how things will ever get better. Sleep torments him with fitful nightmares or eludes him altogether. Worst of all, Job yearns for God but can’t seem to find Him anywhere.

Why Do I Worry?
Everyone has concerns. Relationships, money, health, and other things constantly need our attention. It’s good to be diligent. But what happens when concern turns into replaying your fears, imagining the what-ifs, and dwelling on the worst possible outcome? When we move from concern to fear of the unknown, we’ve given in to anxiety.

Is There Any Hope?
Most of the time when we use the word hope we’re talking about wishful thinking. We hope our team wins the game, or we hope we get a raise. We can wish all day for something, but it doesn’t mean it will happen. Hope in God is not like that. It isn’t wishing that God will do something. It’s knowing God will do what He has promised (Titus 1:2).

What Does God Require Of Parents?
Will God be satisfied if I just provide the basic necessities of life for my children, such as food, shelter, clothing, and security? Am I supposed to give my children everything I never had as a child? Or protect them from every problem? Or put them in the best schools, buy them the latest toys, give them the biggest trust fund, and provide them with every opportunity? What exactly does God require of parents?

What’s the difference between truth, untruth, and a lie?
Here’s a quick breakdown. To make an accurate statement about something or someone is telling the truth. To unknowingly make an inaccurate statement about something or someone is sharing an untruth. To deliberately and/or deceptively make a false statement about something or someone is considered a lie.

This is the Gospel!
What is the essence of the Gospel message?
From the book of Genesis through the book of Revelation, the Bible shares a relational message. This message is called the Gospel (or Good News). The Good News of Jesus Christ is expressed in 6 basic statements.